jangan pernah hilangkan sebuah kepercayaan..slalu lah tersenyum,walaupun pahit bagi kita.. karna,aku yakin, senyum pasti akan mendatangkan kebahagiaan...

Selasa, 05 Februari 2008

pas nonton konsernya avril

nih kenang2an waktu aku nonton konsernya avril di texaz

s umpah emang kereeeeennn banget orang satu ini!! salut bgt.. top abis dah!

full of love

Love is
being happy for the other person
when they are happy
being sad for the other person when they are sad
being together in good times
and being together in bad times
Love is the source of strength

Love is
an understanding that is so complete that
you feel as if you are a part of the other person
accepting the other person just the way they are
and not trying to change them to be something else
Love is the source of unity

Love is
the fury of the storm
the calm of the rainbow
Love is the source of passion

Love is
knowing that the other person
will always be with you regardless of what happens
missing the other person when they are away
but remaining near in heart at all times
Love is the source of security

by: bimbey

Jumat, 01 Februari 2008


If I thought that a smile of mine, might linger the
whole day through and lighten some heart with a
heavier part, I'd not with hold it -- Would you ???

Smile becouse God gave human this beautiful gift -
A smile.... I sometimes wonder do animals have
this beautiful gift of smiling

Smile, not because it costs you or not, but because
you can make someone smile and make their day

So smileeeeeee please :-)) ...... Hmmm ... good,
looks very good, in fact suits you! our the best :-)

not 2 be able

I didn't hear what you were saying.
I live on raw emotion baby
I answer questions never maybe
And I'm not kind if you betray me.
So who the hell are you to save me
I never would have made it babe.

If you needed love
Well then ask for love
Could have given love
Now I’m taking love
And it’s not my fault
Cause you both deserve
What’s coming now
So don’t say a word



jgn pernah lupakan semua kenangan yang kita lalui bersama... walau waktu memisahkan kita, tapi hati kita tidak akan pernah terpisah...

hilangkan semua kebencian dan kedengkian yang ada...

tangan kita terikat
lidah kita menyatu


buat pak fajar

assalamu'allaikum wr.wb.

yth. bapak faJar yang cute
di smasa

dengan hormat,
waduh pak terima kasih banyak atas tugas membuat blognya.. semoga bermanfaat bagi kita semua,  murid - murid yang baik hati.. dan semoga bapak selalu diberi kesehatan dan diberi kemakmuran termasuk dalam segi finansial..
demikian dari saya, wabillahit taufiq wal hidayah wassalamu'allaikum wr. wb

                                                                                                                           the cutiest student


Jumat, 25 Januari 2008

kini aku?????


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fiuuuhhhh.... januAri 2008..
STRESS!! rasanya braaat banget n buAnyakk bngt yg lagi ngisi pikiranQ....
tapi, y inilah hidup... tnpa ada masalah, hidup kita gak bakal jadi lebih baik... kenapa Tuhan ngasi kita cobaan! itu smua pasti ada sisi baiknya,,, biar smua umat2nya slalu hidup dengan usaha dan perjuangan.... (ceileeeeehh)
jadi, pd intinya, kita hidup itu untuk "BERJUANG"

 i wouldn't be surrendeer to get something n i swear that i'll keep hold on,,, anything happened,,, anywhere,,, anytime

aVriL lavigne